List of medical departments


ページ番号1007037  更新日 令和6年5月10日


This is just a general list – there may be departments not listed here. If you’re not sure where to go, try going to the reception at a hospital and tell them your symptoms.

Visit the following Multilingual Medical Questionnaire to search departments by symptom.

Department name (A-Z order) Japanese
Allergies アレルギー科, arerugiika
Anesthesiology 麻酔科, masuika
Cardiovascular (heart) 循環器科, junkankika
Cardiovascular surgery 心臓血管外科, shinzou kekkan geka
Dentistry 歯科, shika
Dermatology (skin) 皮膚科, hifuka
Gastroenterology (digestive system) 消化器科, shoukakika
Otolaryngology (ear, mouth, and throat) 耳鼻咽喉科, jibiinkouka
Internal medicine 内科, naika
Neurology 神経内科, shinkei naika
Neurosurgery 脳神経外科, noushinkei geka
Obstetrics and gynecology 産婦人科, sanfujinka
Ophthalmology (eyes) 眼科, ganka
Orthodontics 矯正歯科, kyousei shika
Orthopedics 整形外科, seikei geka
Pediatric dentistry 小児歯科, shouni shika
Pediatrics (children’s doctor) 小児科, shounika
Plastic surgery 形成外科, keisei geka
Psychiatry 精神科, seishinka
Psychosomatic medicine 心療内科, shinryou naika
Rehabilitation リハビリテーション科, rihabiriteshonka
Respiratory disease (lungs) 呼吸器科, kokyuukika
Rheumatology (joints, inflammation, autoimmune diseases) リウマチ科, riumachika
Surgery, external medicine 外科, geka
Urology (urine) 泌尿器科, hinyoukika


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