Yuki Kumagai of Sanriku Wellness


ページ番号1007238  更新日 令和2年5月11日


yuki kumagai
“I want people to live longer, healthier lives.”

Pouring her efforts in health and community-building

Kumagai was working in a sports club in Tokyo when the earthquake and tsunami hit, so soon after she visited her hometown of Ofunato, travelling around the evacuation shelters to organize health and fitness classes.

She saw people sitting for long periods of time at the shelters, with some elderly people remaining prone on the floor. She says of the experience, “I knew that if this continued, their bodies would get weaker and their lives would get that much tougher when they made it out of the shelters.”

Kumagai moved back to Ofunato in 2013 in order to dedicate herself to the health of the elderly. She is now pouring her efforts into organizing health and fitness classes and community-building in the affected region, especially in temporary housing areas.

The key to happiness is living longer, healthier lives

Kumagai has many opportunities to interact with the local people while she organizes these classes. She has high hopes for improving the lives of the local people and reinvigorating the community.

 “They are completing more and more permanent public housing for disaster survivors, and people are starting to move out of the temporary units. But many are still stuck here, and they’re worried about facing further difficulties in the future. Even some who have moved out have had trouble fitting into their new communities. It’s vital that elderly people keep themselves healthy so that they can remain active and happy. I hope there will continue to be more events that bring the local community together and more opportunities for senior residents to venture outside and stay active.”


Yuki Kumagai, President of the NPO Sanriku Wellness

Originally from Massaki, Ofunato.

After graduating high school, she started studying at a sports university in Tokyo. After graduating, she started working at a sports club in Tokyo. In January 2013, she moved back to Ofunato to help out at the temporary housing districts.

In May 2014, she established the NPO “Sanriku Wellness”, which travels around temporary housing to engage in health and community-building activities.


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