1) Tohoku, Japan


ページ番号1011404  更新日 平成31年2月20日



On the map above, Tohoku is outlined in blue. The candidate site is located within Iwate and Miyagi Prefecture, which is a Tohoku province facing the Pacific Ocean ? we’ve outlined it in red. The ILC is the small blue line within. Tohoku is around the same latitude as Valencia, Spain, but its climate is quite different from the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Facing the Pacific, Iwate’s temperatures resemble what you may find in Geneva, Switzerland(the location of CERN, the world’s largest particle physics laboratory and home to the Large Hadron Collider).

Iwate and Tohoku were struck by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in March 2011. The long red line stretching down Japan’s east coast shows the extent of the tsunami’s damage. While the Tohoku region suffered immensely from the tragedy, it is beginning to rebuild itself, slowly but surely.


ILC推進局 事業推進課
〒020-8570 岩手県盛岡市内丸10-1
電話番号:019-629-5203 ファクス番号:019-629-5339