“Go for it! Tohoku Big Bang - Making the International Linear Collider a Reality” Promotional Video


ページ番号1011412  更新日 平成26年1月17日


The Tohoku Conference for the Promotion of the ILC has created a promotional video and uploaded it to YouTube to help bring the ILC to Tohoku.

Length (21 min, 32 sec), Created by the Tohoku Conference for the Promotion of the ILC

Let’s use the wonder of science as the fuel for our reconstruction! –Tohoku Big Bang-

One hundred meters under the Kitakami Mountains lies a layer of stable granite bedrock that stretches between 31-50km in length. It is in this place that we hope to build a state-of-the-art fundamental particle experiment facility - the International Linear Collider.

Did you know? Up until now, Tohoku has been quietly dedicated to bringing the ILC to the region, but now that fundamental particle research has entered the next level, expectations from all over the world have been centering on Japanese leadership and Tohoku’s ILC project.

We really are looking at a once in a lifetime opportunity for both Japan and Tohoku.
(Excerpted from the Tohoku Conference for the Promotion of the ILC Pamphlet)


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