A message from the Governor of Iwate about COVID-19 (September 16th)

ページ番号1047051  更新日 令和3年9月16日


A message from Governor Tasso during the 41st meeting of
The Iwate Prefecture COVID-19 Countermeasures HQ (September 16, 2021)

Today in Iwate, the rate of infection has lowered below the benchmark of 10 people per 100,000 per week, to 9.6 people per 100,000.

With this, we formally end Iwate’s declaration of its State of Emergency.

Since August 12th, I have asked the people of Iwate to refrain from unnecessary outings, and thanks to all of your hard work and cooperation, we have reached this milestone today. I once again express my gratitude.

With the end of Iwate’s State of Emergency:

  •  We end our request to refrain from unnecessary outings.
  •  We end usage restrictions and closings of prefectural facilities, and will reopen these facilities as soon as preparations are finished.
  •  We will restart the sale of the meal coupons of the Iwate Food Support Project which had been temporarily suspended.

We may have ended the State of Emergency, but COVID-19 cases have not reached zero in the prefecture. Letting up on basic prevention measures will lead to another spread of the virus.

When going to restaurants, I recommend you give your patronage to places that have received prefectural certification as a restaurant enacting prevention measures (“Iwate Restaurant Safe Practices Certification System”). I also ask that dinner parties and other such gatherings be kept to short timespans, with no heavy drinking and no loud voices, and with participants wearing masks during conversations.

Looking at the state of the country, as of yesterday (Sep. 15), there were 32 prefectures that have infection rates of over 15 people per 100,000 per week. There is still a very high risk for infection.

I ask that you refrain from unnecessary visits or travel to areas that have enacted a State of Emergency or strict containment measures (manbo).

Even in areas without states of emergency, I ask that you exercise caution in deciding to travel to and from areas where infections are spreading.

If infection spreads again, I will once more declare a State of Emergency for Iwate in order to suppress further spread of the virus and prevent pressure on our healthcare system. I ask that you continue to thoroughly carry out basic prevention measures as well as be cautious in your actions.


Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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